Versión en español

Our cry is not silent in the face of the corruption that is consolidating in front of a population that is torn between the threat of the virus, hunger and that of a dictatorship that pushes collective rage at the point of fear and threats. In a few months, the Coronavirus exposed a whole history of looting of the health system, and the criminality of those who drive it. We are ghting, and the actions are making their way between connement and imposed fears, and we make it felt with the unity of these voices that we express in this Seventeenth public statement:

1- In the face of the ravages of the Coronavirus, we intensify the denunciation not only before Honduras, but before the world, that it is criminals who are driving this health crisis, people who have introduced our and bullets to our bodies. That is why we keep rmly demand that the emergency be conducted by people with ethics and professional capacity in the corresponding fields, as well as an independent oversight system to guarantee no more thefts from the state coers and ensure that we know where the money is.

2- We denounce that the exponential increase in positive cases of COVID 19 is directly related to the increase in corruption cases, positioning Honduras once again as a regional epicenter of crisis. Throughout Latin America, Honduras is the country with the highest number of positive tests per test carried out, that is, 46% of tests give a positive result, only Brazil surpasses this statistic, despite the fact that we are the country that has “allocated” the most money to face the crisis. Please tell us, where’s the money?

3- We urge the “caucus of dignity” to stay together in the face of blackmail and the money oers that only seek to divide them and put them back into the fold of the dictatorship. You have opened a crack of struggle and hope from the legislative political standpoint, do not allow that crack to be closed, because the darkness and legislative perversion has been primed against the life and dignity of Honduran society. As a space for social and popular organizations, we are attentive to every step of their actions, to support all the struggles and decisions that are in tune with our demands and cries.

4- We will stand firm demanding the whereabouts of the people’s money, as well as the signs with name and surname to the executors of crimes of our town will remain firm. This week our condemnation and rejection is for Marcos Bográn, his actions are causing death and suffering in people, although we know that he is just a pawn in the gear of the criminal corporation led by Juan Orlando Hernández.

5- We salute with militant enthusiasm the actions of peaceful demonstration by youth sectors consisting of showing through graphic material on the walls of buildings, those responsible for the deaths and looting in our country, as well as the energetic action of a convoy of convoys of vehicles by various sectors.

6- We salute the feminist struggles that have been revealed in recent days, patriarchal practices in spaces of resistance; the construction of men and women from a civic political culture that nurtures horizontal human relations is urgent to achieve the desired freedom and social justice.

7- As every week, we continue to convene the cacerolazo every Saturday at 7:00PM, as an expression of dignity that we are locked down, but not silent.

Honduras, July 2020